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Tree branch pierced her stomach, she survived

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Jamtara district, Jharkhand: Twelve-year-old Chhoti can consider herself lucky. She has miraculously survived a near-fatal accident.

It took a team of four doctors over three hours to remove the branch of a tree that had pierced through her stomach as she fell off a tree recently. Thankfully, the surgery has been successful.

"She fell down from the tree and the branch went right through her stomach," said her uncle, recalling the incident.

It was a rare case for doctors in Jamtara district in Jharkhand. The surgery was complicated and the surgeons themselves were not too hopeful.

"During the surgery, we found that the branch had actually pierced right through her stomach and it was very complicated," said Sudarshan Kumar, one of the doctors involved in the surgery.

But thankfully, it all ended well.

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