Sallu, Aamir has to master - Dakshina
Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, a friend and Bollywood actor Salman Khan the most demand is impressed with the talent.
Both mine just one - like the other also express their views on many topics but also to live. Internationally as a painter, knowing the people Kocka Salman is engaged.
All know that Khan's painting sold at expensive prices and get this money is given to charity. And now his upcoming film actor Aamir Khan as a painter at Dhobi Ghat will look.
Amir knows that he is very weak as a painter before moving on to set therefore Barikiaan he learned it. According to sources, Salman Khan knows that a great painter. So he decided to learn the tricks of painting with Sallu.
News that a few weeks ago and Salman Khan was a very diligent student master their art was. After class is over when the time came to give alms Sallu, Aamir gifted master paintings that he created himself.
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